After decades of development, Autopak have combined the speed of an Impellor Packer with the versatility of an Air Packer, creating the best Valve Sack Packer on the market.
We know that 2020 has been a difficult year for most companies, our engineers have been able to use this time to put the final touches on the Flow Jet 20-20 and make it factory ready. Our new Valve Sack Filling Machine is perfect for packing powders and granules at a speed of 6-8 bags per minute (depending on the bag size) with only a 1% weight variance.

We have completed our first installations of the new Flow Jet 20-20 Packer at Monocon International Refractories and Hoben International Ltd. We are also manufacturing another six machines to be installed at other customers in January 2021.
Please contact our Sales Team below for more information.