It was a pleasure to exhibit at the PPMA Total Show 2019 on the 1st to the 3rd of October at the Birmingham NEC. With over 450 exhibitors comprising of 2,500 brands and a variety of seminars hosted by industry experts over the three-day event, there was plenty of innovation and new product launches on show.
Productive seminars were held to discuss today’s important matters, focusing mainly on topics related to technology advancements, sustainability and climate change.
We had great success at the show, showcasing a selection of products across our range, including the Autopak big bag filler and air packer branded in our company colours, which proved very popular with visitors.

Autopak have been exhibiting at the PPMA for several years and with more than 20 years of experience in the packaging machinery industry, our experts were on hand to help a whole host of visitors with their individual enquiries and unique requirements. It was a valuable opportunity to network with our existing and future customers, meet potential new suppliers, leads and various technical experts.
We want to say a huge thank you to all the people we met over the three days and look forward to following up and forming collaborative partnerships in the future. In the meantime, if you are looking for a bag filling solution for your business, one of our experts is always on hand to discuss your project requirements with you.